In 1992, during the visit to Romania of NATO Secretary General Manfred Woerner, the Euro Atlantic Center was inaugurated and located in the Primaverii Palace, the former residence of the later Romanian dictator, Nicolae Ceausescu. These powerful symbols – the Center and the Palace – laid the foundations of a multi partisan, multiyear institutional effort, in partnership with civil society, as Romania’s Euro Atlantic integration process became one of the cornerstones of Romania’s development.
A decade later, in 2002 in the presence of the Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) leadership, Romania was welcomed into the ATA and the EURO ATLANTIC COUNCIL OF ROMANIA was created as an associate member and a national chapter comprised of four Atlantic associations: Manfred Woerner Euro Atlantic Association, EURISC Foundation, George C Marshall Association Romania and CASA NATO. This Romanian Atlantic consortium remained opened to new members and over the years increased its partnerships to become one of the most diverse Romanian community of NGOs, think tanks, universities and academics, and former dignitaries.